Soumyabrata Choudhury

Soumyabrata Choudhury
Soumyabrata Choudhury is Associate Professor at the School of Arts and Aesthetics, Jawaharlal Nehru University. He has authored Theatre, Number, Event: Three Studies on the Relationship between Sovereignty, Power and Truth, and articles on ancient Greek liturgy, the staging of Ibsen, psychoanalysis, Nietzsche, Schiller and Hegel.
- Now It’s Come To DistancesINR 399
In December 2019, Shaheen Bagh became the site of an intense opposition to the newly amended Citizenship Amendment Act. It renewed the ‘communal question’—who is considered a citizen? In Marc...
- Ambedkar and Other ImmortalsINR 395
With Ambedkar and Other Immortals, Soumyabrata Choudhury produces urgent interpretive realignments which provoke in us the capacity to receive a new, vital wound of thinking: the wound of Ambedkar-...

Krishna Sobti
Krishna Sobti, one of the most creative and engaging aspects of Krishna Sobti's writings is her lively language. Her contribution to Hindi is immense. She has not only added a multitude of new words a
Anjali Gandhi
Dr. Anjali Gandhi is a Professor at the Department of Social Work, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi.

Maharaj Kumari Binodini Devi (6 February 1922 - 17 January 2011) was a writer and member of the erstwhile royal family of Manipur.

David Daiches
Daniel Barenboim
Antonio A. Santucci
Antonio A. Santucci (2 October 1949 - 27 February 2004) was the Director of the Center for Gramscian Studies at the Istituto Gramsci in Rome. He taught political science at various universities in