Silvia Federici
Silvia Federici
Silvia Federici is a feminist activist, writer, and a teacher. In 1972 she was one of the cofounders of the International Feminist Collective, the organization that launched the Wages For Housework campaign internationally. In the 1990s, after a period of teaching and research in Nigeria, she was active in the anti-globalization movement and the U.S. anti–death penalty movement. She is one of the co-founders of the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa, an organization dedicated to generating support for the struggles of students and teachers in Africa against the structural adjustment of African economies and educational systems. From 1987 to 2005 she taught international studies, women studies, and political philosophy courses at Hofstra University in Hempstead, NY. All through these years she has written books and essays on philosophy and feminist theory, women’s history, education and culture, and more recently the worldwide struggle against capitalist globalization and for a feminist reconstruction of the commons.
- Caliban And The WitchINR 350
Caliban and the Witch is a history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the witch-hun...
Malvika Maheshwari
Malvika Maheshwari teaches political science at Ashoka University, Haryana, India.V. Gordon Childe
Vere Gordon Childe (14 April 1892 - 19 October 1957) is considered the father of modern archaeology. He specialised in the study of European prehistory. A vocal socialist, Childe accepted the socio
dylan thomas
Dylan Thomas was a Welsh poet and writer whose works include the poems "Do not go gentle into that good night" and "And death shall have no dominion"; the "play for voices" Under Milk Wood; and st
Clarinda Still
Clarinda Still is a social anthropologist and a postdoctoral researcher in the Contemporary South Asian Studies Programme at the University of Oxford. Her work has mainly focused on Dalits in Andhr
Erving Goffman
N/AE. Ahmet Tonak
E. Ahmet Tonak is a Research Affiliate at Smith College and teaches at the University of Massachusetts (Amherst). From 2018 to 2024, he was an economist at Tricontinental: Institute for Social Rese
Urvashi Butalia
Urvashi Butalia is a publisher and writer. Co-founder of Kali for Women, India’s first feminist publisher, and now director of Zubaan, she is also the author of the award-winning oral hi