Shaswati Mazumdar
Shaswati Mazumdar
SHASWATI MAZUMDAR teaches German at the Department of Germanic and Romance Studies, University of Delhi. Her research has included a focus on the German writer Bertolt Brecht. She has edited a collection of essays on Fascism and Culture (1994).
- Resistible RiseINR 450The phenomenon of movements and organizations with chauvinist agendas finding their way into parliaments and in some cases into governments is a striking feature of our times, even though the current ...
Jose Marti
José Julián Martí y Pérez (1853-95), writer and revolutionary, was an iconic figure in Cuba's struggle for independence from Spain. He was to become a symbol of liberty
Meera Nanda
Meera Nanda is an independent scholar based in the United States. She has been a John Templeton Foundation Fellow in Religion and Science (2005-2007), and is currently in India as Visiting Professo
Karl Korsch
Karl Korsch (1886-1961) was a prominent German Marxist theorist, writer, and revolutionary. He was a member of the German Communist Party until the 1920s, and went into exile in 1933, eventually re
Amrita Pande
Amrita Pande, a sociologist and feminist ethnographer, teacher at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.
Khoo Khay Jin
N/APrabhat Tripathi
जन्म : चौदह सितंबर 1941, रायगढ़ (म.प्र.) में शिक्षा : एम. ए. (हिंदी) सागर वि. वि. पी-एच.
bell hooks
bell hooks (1952-2021), is a cultural critic, feminist theorist, and writer. Previously a professor in the English departments at Yale University and Oberlin College, hooks was a Distinguished Prof