Shahrzad Mojab

Shahrzad Mojab
Shahrzad Mojab is a Professor at the University of Toronto. Her essay draws from her introduction to Marxism and Feminism, a 2015 book that she edited.
- Red OctoberINR 250
The first socialist state in history lasted only seventy years. This is a very small period of time in the scope of world history. Its achievements have been pilloried – its demise being the ...

Jean Woodall
Sarojini N.
Sarojini N. works with the Sama Resource Group for Women and Health, New Delhi.

Madhuja Mukherjee
Madhuja Mukherjee is Head, Department of Film Studies, Jadavpur University.
Aparajita Bakshi
Aparajita Bakshi is a development economist researching on rural incomes, livelihoods, socio-economic inequalities and rural transformation, and village-level statistical systems in India. She is A

Monideepa Sahu
Monideepa Sahu is an "author, columnist, speaker on creative writing and literature". She is the author of Rabindranath Tagore: The Renaissance Man.

Pankaj Sekhsaria
Pankaj Sekhsaria is a member of the environmental action group, Kalpavriksh where he works on issues of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and also edits the bi-monthly newsletter, the Protected Area

P. S. Vijayshankar
P. S. Vijayshankar is the Director of Research, Samaj Pragati Sahayog, one of India's largest grass-roots initiatives for water and livelihood security.