Sanil M. Neelakandan
Sanil M. Neelakandan
Sanil M. Neelakandan teaches at Department of Law, SRM University, Sonepat, Haryapan. He received his PhD and MPhil in Sociology from the Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He has published in the international and national journals.
- SOCIALISM: A ReaderINR 695
Communicative capitalism has been instrumental in transforming the public memory. Thus, it undermines the history of the social and political struggles that have topp...
Rubina Saigol
RUBINA SAIGOL is currently an independent researcher based in Lahore. She has authored and edited several books and papers in English and Urdu on education, nationalism, the state, ethnicity, relig
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Annie Zaidi
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Sunanda Khorgade
Sunanda Khorgade works with the women's health programme at SEARCH and trains traditional birth attendants.
Jorge Coulon
Jorge Coulón is a Chilean multi-instrumentalist musician, and specialist in string instruments such as guitar, tiple and cuatro. He is one of the founding members of the group Inti Illimani.