Suresh Chandra Ghosh is a former member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Paedagogica Historica, Belgium. He held the Chair of History of Education at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, till
Ali Mir is a professor at William Paterson University in the US, and is the co-author of Anthems of Resistance: A Celebration of Progressive Urdu Poetry.
Dr. Devdutt Pattanaik is a physician whose varied interests later turned him into a well-known mythologist and an author on the topics of mythology, sanctity and so on. His famous books on mytholog
Gargi Chakravartty, formerly a faculty member of Maitreyi College, University of Delhi, is also a social activist. She is the author of Gandhi's Challenge to Communalism (1987), Coming Out of Parti
Tilottoma Misra is an Assamese writer and critic. Her works include Literature and Society in Assam: A Study of the Assamese Renaissance, 1826-1926 (1987), and Lauhitya-sindhu (1997). She is also t