Saadat Hasan Manto
Saadat Hasan Manto
Saadat Hasan Manto (1912-1955) was among the greatest short story writers of the Indian subcontinent. He also wrote plays, and worked in the Bombay film industry as a writer before migrating to Pakistan after the Partition.
- मंटो दस्तावेज़: खंड 1-5INR 3,000
समय के साथ कितनी ही हक़ीक़तें फ़रेब बन जाती हैं और कितने ही ख़्व...
- The Armchair Revolutionary and Other SketchesINR 325
Manto wrote these words in the preface to Ganje Farishte, a collection of his sketches. They give us a sense of what to expect from him: the 'unvarnished' truth as seen through his unforgi...
Sampat Kale
Sampat Kale is Assistant Professor at the School of Rural Development, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Tuljapur. He was visiting faculty at Karachi, Pakistan and Stockholm, Sweden.
His maj
Michel Foucault
Michel Foucault (15 October 1926 - 25 June 1984) was one of the leading intellectuals of the twentieth century and the most prominent thinker in post-war France. His work influenced disciplines as
Vidya Shah
N/AMarcel van der Linden
Marcel van der Linden is Research Director at the International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Aparajita Ninan
Aparajita Ninan is a graphic designer from Delhi.
Rupal Oza
Rupal Oza is an associate professor in the Department of Women and Gender Studies at Hunter College, CUNY. Her work focuses on political economic transformations in the global south, the geography
Sascha Ebeling
Sascha Ebeling is an Assistant Professor of Tamil at the University of Chicago.