Robert P. Millon
Robert P. Millon
Rober P. Millon has taught in the history departments of Louisiana State University and at Oregon State University. In the mid-1970s he helped organize the Vicente Lombardo Toledano papers into an archive at the Universidad Obrera de Mexico, Mexico, D.F.
Philip Hill
N/AAndre Betteille
N/AShuby Abidi
Shuby Abidi teaches in the Department of English, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi. She has also taught in the Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University for seven years. Her doctoral dissertatioYogendra Dhakal
Yogendra Dhakal, known by his pen name Ajay Sharma, and born on August 5, 1957 in Nepal, is a prolific writer, and political analyst and intellectual dedicating himself to the cause of revolut
Rajni Kothari
Rajni Kothari is one of the most remarkable intellectuals independent India has produced. An academic who always insisted on living a life of the mind, Kothari’s story is the story of Indian poli
Parvathi Menon
Parvathi Menon trained as a historian, and recently retired as a journalist with The Hindu group.
Arvind Vyas
N/AJoel Kuortti
Joel Kuortti is Acting Professor of English at the Department of English, University of Tampere, Finland. Apart from Indian women's writings in English, he is interested in diasporic Indian literat