Rajni Kothari

Rajni Kothari
Rajni Kothari is one of the most remarkable intellectuals independent India has produced. An academic who always insisted on living a life of the mind, Kothari’s story is the story of Indian political science coming of age. He is the founder of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS)—a premier institute in the sphere of social sciences, and Lokayan. Kothari is now past eighty and he lives in Delhi.
- Caste in Indian PoliticsINR 825
Rejecting the prevailing dichotomy between traditional society and modern polity, Caste in Indian Politics examines their interaction in given community and territori...

Shilpa Gupta
Praveen Jha
Praveen Jha is professor of economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning (CESP) and adjunct professor at the Centre for Informal Sector and Labour Studies (CISLS), School of Social Sci

Soma Marik
Soma Marik is Reader in History, Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan, and also teaches Women's Studies and History in Jadavpur University.

Brian Pearce
Shad Naved
Shad Naved teaches in the Comparative Literature programme, School of Letters, Ambedkar University Delhi. He is currently working on a monograph, Against Vernacularity: Historical Eros in the Urdu

Sabyn Javeri
Sabyn Javeri is Senior Lecturer of Writing, Literature & Creative Writing at New York University, Abu Dhabi. She is the author of Hijabistan, a collection of short stories, and of the novel, No

Siobhan Lambert-Hurley
Siobhan Lambert-Hurley is Senior Lecturer in Modern History at Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom. Her research focuses on women, gender and Islam in South Asia with a particular em