R. Ramakumar
R. Ramakumar
R. Ramakumar is an economist, with a Ph.D. from the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. His areas of work are agricultural economics, agrarian studies and rural development. He is presently Associate Professor at the School of Social Sciences at the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.
- Marx's CapitalINR 200
There's really no escaping it: if you want to understand capitalism, you simply have to read Karl Marx's 'Capital'.
But this is easier said than done. 'Capital' is Marx's magnum opus consis...
- Marx's CapitalINR 160
There's really no escaping it: if you want to understand capitalism, you simply have to read Karl Marx's 'Capital'.
But this is easier said than done. 'Capital' is Marx's magnum opus consis...
- Distress In The FieldsINR 1,500
In 2021, India completed three decades of implementation of economic liberalization policies. This volume is a composite and critical account of Indian agriculture du...
V. V. Shulgin
N/AAnil Rajimwale
Anil Rajimwale is a well-known Marxist theoretician, contributing consistently to the enrichment of scientific Marxist theory over the years. He has written widely on philosophy, history, economics, pDeepa Agarwal
Deepa Agarwal is an author, poet and translator. She has written over fifty books, mostly for children, in both English and Hindi.
Joel Kuortti
Joel Kuortti is Acting Professor of English at the Department of English, University of Tampere, Finland. Apart from Indian women's writings in English, he is interested in diasporic Indian literat
Srimati Basu
Srimati Basu is Chair of the Gender and Women’s Studies department and Professor of Gender and Women’s Studies and Anthropology at the University of Kentucky. She is the author of the monograph
Asif Farrukhi
Asif Farrukhi is an author, critic and translator, known for his short stories and essays, seven anthologies of short fiction and two collections of critical essays. He is the editor of Duniyazad,
John W. Murphy
John W. Murphy is Professor of Sociology at the University of Miami.