Lal Khan was born at Bhuan, Pakistan in 1956. He joined Nishtar Medical College, Multan in 1975 where he was elected General Secretary of the student union, against the forces of reactionary Islami
Peter Mertens is a leader of the Workers’ Party of Belgium. He has served as a member of the Chamber of Representatives since 2019, and as a Municipal Councillor in Antwerp since 2013. He is the
Utpal K. Banerjee is an Indian writer, adviser on management and information technology and a former director of the New Delhi–based Forum for Information Technology for India.
Devaki Jain, Honorary Fellow St Anne’s College, Oxford University, is Founder and former Director of the Institute of Social Studies Trust, New Delhi, India. She was previously a lecture
Aparajita Bakshi is a development economist researching on rural incomes, livelihoods, socio-economic inequalities and rural transformation, and village-level statistical systems in India. She is A