Prabal Saran Agarwal

Prabal Saran Agarwal
भारतीय क्रांतिकारी आंदोलन पर शोधरत। दिल्ली विश्वविद्यालय के श्री वेंकटेश्वर कॉलेज में सहायक प्रोफेसर।

Vinay Chandran
Vinay Chandran is a counselor and Executive Director of Swabhava Trust, Bangalore, a non-governmental organization working with issues related to gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and similar (LG

M.N. Roy
Manabendranath Roy (1887-1954), the founder of the Indian Communist Party in exile, is undoubtedly India's foremost revolutionary theorist. His life was an unending quest for freedom – first from

Benita Parry
Benita Parry is the author of Delusions and Discoveries: Studies on India in the British Imagination (1972) and Conrad and Imperialism (1983).

Utpal K. Banerjee
Utpal K. Banerjee is an Indian writer, adviser on management and information technology and a former director of the New Delhi–based Forum for Information Technology for India.
Ali Cobby Eckermann
Ali Cobby Eckermann is a poet and writer. She identifies herself with her Yankunytjatjara/Kokatha family from the North-West desert country of South Australia. Her works include little bit long tim

A.R. Venkatachalapathy
A.R. Venkatachalapathy, historian and Tamil writer, is a professor at the Madras Institute of Development Studies (MIDS), Chennai.