Paulo Varela Gomes

Paulo Varela Gomes
Paulo Varela Gomes (28 October 1952 - 30 April 2016) was a Portuguese critic, writer, historian of architecture and professor. He was also the presenter of two television documentary series for the Portuguese television, one of which was about the Portuguese in India (O Mundo de Cá, 1995).
- Whitewash, Red StoneINR 450
Goan churches is the first ever published, comprehensive history of Catholic-church architecture in Goa, from the first churches built in that territory in the early 16th century to the first conte...

Volga (P. Lalitha Kumari), one of the most highly regarded Telugu writers today, is generally acknowledged to have introduced a feminist perspective into the literary and political discourse of And

David Crist
David Crist is currently a historian for the federal government. As a colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, he served in the first gulf war and made two tours with elite special operations forc

Roland Barthes
Roland Barthes, French philosopher, critic, linguist and semiotician, had a profound influence on twentieth-century literary theory. His best-known works include Mythologies (1957), S/Z (1970), Pleasu
Dilrukshi Fonseka
Dilrukshi Fonseka has been Programme Coordinator at the Berghof Foundation for Conflict Studies, Sri Lanka. She works for capacity-building in peace negotiations, transitional justice and reconcili

Jean-Paul Dumont
JoAnn Jaffe
JoAnn Jaffe is a Professor at the Department of Sociology and Social Studies, University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.

Freedom Mazwi
Freedom Mazwi is Resarcher at the Sam Moyo African Institute for Agraian Studies, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Jonathan Bignell
Jonathan Bignell (born 20 March 1963) is a Professor of Television and Film at the University of Reading, United Kingdom. He is the author of Media Semiotics: An Introduction (1997).