Paul Le Blanc
Paul Le Blanc
Paul Le Blanc is a professor of history at La Roche College. He has written on and participated in the US labour, radical, and civil rights movements, and is author of many books, including Lenin and the Revolutionary Party.
- Unfinished LeninismINR 395
"For more than a century Lenin has been a constant source of inspiration for workers and revolutionaries striving to shape democratic and equitable societies throughout the world. Unfinished Lenini...
- From Marx to GramsciINR 795From Marx to Gramsci offers a readable introduction to the historical contexts, lives, and revolutionary ideas of six central thinkers in the Marxist traditionKarl Marx, Frederick Engels, Rosa Luxem...
- Marx, Lenin and the Revolutionary ExperienceINR 795
Marx, Lenin, and the Revolutionary Experience offers a fresh look at Communism, both the bad and good, and also touches on anarchism, Christian theory, conservatism, ...
- Lenin and the Revolutionary PartyINR 695
For generations, historians of the right, left, and center have all debated the best way to understand V. I. Lenin’s role in shaping the Bolshevik party in the year...
- The Living FlameINR 495
Rosa Luxemburg, a brilliant early-twentieth-century German revolutionary, comes alive in a rich set of essays that analyze her tremendous contributions to revolutiona...
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta (born 5 October 1955) is a well-known Indian journalist and political commentator. He has been associated with many newspapers and magazines including Business India, Busines
Rabisankar Bal
Rabisankar Bal (born 1962) is a Bangla novelist and short-story writer who has written over fifteen novels, five short-story collections, one volume of poetry and one volume of literary essays.
James Boggs
James Boggs (1919-1993) was an African American auto worker and radical activist raised in rural Alabama. His books include The American Revolution and Racism and the Class Struggle, both published
Ammu Joseph
Ammu Joseph is a journalist and media-watcher based in Bangalore, India, with a special interest in issues relating to gender, children, human development and peace. She is co-editor of Just Betwee
Akeel Bilgrami
Akeel Bilgrami is the Sidney Morgenbesser Chair of Philosophy and the Director of the South Asian Institute at Columbia University.
Lata Mani
Lata Mani is a feminist historian, cultural critic and filmmaker. She is the author of Contentious Traditions: The Debate on Sati in Colonial India (1998), Sacred Secular: Contemplative Cultural Cr
Mohini Anjum
Mohini Anjum is the former Professor and Head, Department of Sociology, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, whose career in teaching and research spanned more than 36 years at Delhi School of Economic
Samarendra Narayan Arya
Samarendra Narayan Arya is a professor in the Department of History, Bhuwaneshwari Dayal College, Patna.