Partha Banerjee
Partha Banerjee
Daniel Guerin
Daniel Guerin (1904-88) was a French anarchist and author.
Praveen Jha
Praveen Jha is professor of economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning (CESP) and adjunct professor at the Centre for Informal Sector and Labour Studies (CISLS), School of Social Sci
Meera Kosambi
Meera Kosambi, who has edited this volume, is a sociologist. Her several books include Crossing Thresholds: Feminist Essays in Social History (2007), and Women Writing Gender: Marathi Fiction Before IMoushumi Bhowmik
Moushumi Bhowmik is a writer, researcher and singer based in Kolkata.
N/AIra Pande
Ira Pande is an editor, author and translator. Formerly a lecturer in Panjab University, Chandigarh, she is currently chief editor, IIC Publications. She is the author of Diddi: My Mother's Voice.<
Adam Hanieh
Adam Hanieh is a senior lecturer in development studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London.
Aparna Basu
Aparna Basu was formerly Professor of History, University of Delhi, and past president of the All-India Women's Conference.