Olga Shartse
Olga Shartse
D.N. Jha
Dwijendra Narayan Jha (1940-2021), popularly known as D.N. Jha, was educated at the Presidency College, Calcutta, and Patna University where he taught history for more than a decade. He was profess
Ismat Chughtai
Ismat Chughtai is one of Urdu’s most important writers. Feminist by instinct, long before it was fashionable to be one, she was a progressive who knew that literature changes more lives than politicAnoop Mani Tripathi
अनूप मणि त्रिपाठी का जन्म उत्तर प्रदेश के महाराजगंज ज़िले के धानी नामक गां
Saskia Wieringa
Saskia Wieringa is director of the International Information Centre and Archives for the Women's Movement in Amsterdam and an affiliated senior researcher at the University of Amsterdam. She has wr
Govind Pansare
Govind Pansare (26 November 1933 – 20 February 2015) was one of Maharashtra's leading Communist leaders and public intellectuals. Starting out in the Rashtra Seva Dal, he joined the Communist
P. Chandramohan
P. Chandramohan did his Master's in History from Calicut University, Kerala, and pursued his research on the Social and Cultural History of Modern Travancore at the Centre for Historical Studies, J
Lakshmi Holmström
Lakshmi Holmström is an award-winning translator of Tamil fiction and poetry.