Ninan Koshy

Ninan Koshy
NINAN KOSHY served as Director, Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, World Council of Churches (WCC), Geneva, from 1981 to 1991 and earlier as its Executive Secretary for seven years. He was Visiting Fellow, Human Rights Programmes, Harvard Law School during 1991-92. He writes regularly on National and International politics, human rights, disarmament, education and religion, and lives in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India.
- Under the EmpireINR 450
Does the UPA government's foreign policy represent any shift away from the pro-U.S. foreign policy of the previous NDA government? Indeed, was the NDA government's foreign policy itself a continuat...
- Uncle Sam's Nuclear CabinINR 195
The India-US nuclear deal polarized the country in an unprecedented manner. Proponents hail the deal as the outstanding achievement of the UPA government. Opponents argue that if operationalized, i...
- The War on TerrorINR 125
The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, were used by the Bush administration to usher in a war without borders, a war against many enemies in many different parts of the world, a war without e...

Tapan Kumar Ghosh
Tapan Kumar Ghosh is an Associate Professor of English at Tarakeswar Degree College, Hooghly (West Bengal).

Rita Kothari
Rita Kothari (born 30 July 1969) is an author and translator who writes in both Gujarati and English. She teaches at St. Xavier's College, Ahmedabad. Her publications on literary sociology of Gujar

L. Beria
Kirsty Murray
Kirsty Murray (born 21 November 1960) is an Australian author who writes children's fiction.

Subhoranjan Dasgupta
Subhoranjan Dasgupta is Professor, Human Sciences, Institute of Development Studies, Kolkata.

Sanatan Bhowal
Sanatan Bhowal is Associate Professor, Prasanna Deb Women’s College, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal.

Namarita Kathait
Namarita Kathait is a poet who performs spoken word poetry on stage. She has done her Masters in Creative Writing from the University of Westminster, UK, and English Literature from Delhi University.
Andy Merrifield
Andy Merrifield is an independent scholar and author of a dozen books, as well as numerous articles, essays and reviews appearing in Monthly Review, The Nation, Harper’s Magazine, New Left Review