Neetha N.

Neetha N.
Neetha N. is Professor and Acting Director at the Centre for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS), New Delhi. Before joining CWDS, she was Associate Fellow and Coordinator, Centre for Gender and Labour, at the V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, NOIDA. Her core themes of research interest are employment and female labour migration, specifically covering areas such as the changing dimensions of women’s employment, gender statistics, the socio-political and economic dimensions of care work, and migration for domestic work. She is one of the lead authors of the chapter on ‘Pluralization of Families’ in the Report of the International Panel on Social Progress, 2018.
- Working at Others' HomesINR 895
Paid domestic work is historically as well as culturally embedded, and exhibits considerable social and regional inequalities. In many ways, domestic workers share commonalities with unpaid housewi...

Partha Chatterjee
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Pradip Baksi
Pradip Baksi (1948-), translator and editor of the first Bengali and English editions of these manuscripts (1994) and, of some texts of Rammohun Roy (1998), and of Karl Marx (1999) on India.

Mick Brooks
Chnadrika Balan
Chnadrika Balan is a winner of two awards by the Kerala Sahitya Akademi. She has written over 22 books in Malayalam under the pen-name Chandramati.
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Prabir Purkayastha
Prabir Purkayastha is an engineer and a science activist in the power, telecom and software sectors. He is a founding member of the Delhi Science Forum. He is the author of Knowledge as Commons: To