Nazeef Mollah
Nazeef Mollah
- Liberate the Colonies!
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In the first years after the 1917 Russian revolution, a bold new cry was heard around the world, ‘Liberate the Colonies!’ It was voiced in Moscow by Marxists combating tsarist oppression of Asi...
Ranjita Biswas
Ranjita Biswas is lecturer, School of Women's Studies, Jadavpur University.
Valene L.Smith
N/ACarlos Polimeni
N/APradip Baksi
Pradip Baksi (1948-), translator and editor of the first Bengali and English editions of these manuscripts (1994) and, of some texts of Rammohun Roy (1998), and of Karl Marx (1999) on India.
Jeremy Seabrook
Jeremy Seabrook is a researcher, journalist and writer. His recent books include Pauperland: Poverty and the Poor in Britain and People Without History: India’s Muslim Ghettos (Navayana).