Naina Dayal
Naina Dayal
Henry Veltmeyer
Henry Veltmeyer is Professor of International Development Studies at Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas and at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax.
Charles Bettelheim
Charles Bettelheim (1913-2006) was a highly influential French Marxist economist and historian.
Michael Lowy
Michael Löwy (born 1938, Brazil) is a French Brazilian Marxist sociologist and philosopher. He is emeritus research director in social sciences at the CNRS (French National Center of Scientifi
Henri Lefebvre
Henry Lefebvre (1901-1991) was a French Marxist philosopher and sociologist, best known for pioneering the critique of everyday life, for introducing the concepts of the right to the city and the p
Judith Squires
Judith Squires is joint editor of Cultural Remix: Theories of Politics and the Popular (L&W 1993), and was, until 1997, editor of New Formations. She lectures in the politics department at the
Ranjit Hoskote
Ranjit Hoskote is a poet, cultural theorist, translator, and independent curator. His collections of poetry include Central Time (Penguin, 2014), Jonahwhale (Penguin, 2018; in the UK, by Arc, as Th
Prabal Saran Agarwal
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