Felix Padel is an anthropologist and a Professor of Rural Management at the Indian Institute of Health Management Research, Jaipur. He is the author of Sacrificing People: Invasions of a Tribal Lan
Suad Amiry is a Palestinian writer and architect. Born in Damascus of a Syrian mother and a Palestinian father from Jaffa, she now lives between Ramallah and New York City. She is the founder of Ri
Pradip Baksi (1948-), translator and editor of the first Bengali and English editions of these manuscripts (1994) and, of some texts of Rammohun Roy (1998), and of Karl Marx (1999) on India.
Gary M. English is distinguished professor of drama at the University of Connecticut. He has served as Artistic Director of the Freedom Theatre in Jenin Camp and taught at Al-Quds/Bard College in Abu