Mythily Sivaraman

Mythily Sivaraman
Mythily Sivaraman is an activist and a scholar. She was the national Vice President of the All India Democratic Women’s Association (AIDWA). She has been involved in village mobilization and social activism, particularly with factory workers, women and dalits. Her essays have been published in several leading journals. She was the editor of The Radical Review (1969–73), and is the author of Fragments of a Life: A Family Archive (New Delhi 2006).
- Haunted by FireINR 550
Mythily Sivaraman’s essays range from agrarian unrest, caste oppression, land, labour and wages, the centrality of class struggle, the early promise of change, the radical course of left struggle...

Meeto (Kamaljit Bhasin-Malik)
Meeto (Kamaljit Bhasin-Malik; 1978-2006) was a scholar, activist and dancer. She graduated with first-class honours in History from Stephen's College. With the Radhakrishnan-British Chevening Schol

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Richa Chintan
Richa Chintan is an activist associated with Jan Swasthya Abhiyan. She works full time with the People’s Health Movement organization.

Ellen Meiksins Wood
Ellen Meiksins Wood, for many years Professor of Political Science at York University in Toronto, Canada, was an editor of the New Left Review from 1984 to 1992, and, co-editor of Monthly Review fr

Manjari Katju
Manjari Katju teaches political science at the University of Hyderabad.

Renate Zahar
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Satyajit Ray
Satyajit Ray, has made 30 feature films and 5 major documentaries. He has won the Oscar for ‘Lifetime Achievement’ in films.