Maurice Cornforth

Maurice Cornforth
Maurice Campbell Cornforth (1909-1980) was a British Marxist philosopher. He is the author of several popular works such as Science versus Idealism (1946), The Theory of Knowledge (1954) and Communism and Human Values (1972).
- Dialectical MaterialismINR 550
Volume One is intended for the general reader who wants to know what Dialectical Materialism means in theory and practice. The ideas underlying Marxist philosophy are explained in non-technical lan...

Alfred Ehrenfeld
N. Ravi Shanker
N. Ravi Shanker lives and works in Palakkad, and regularly translates from Malayalam and Tamil into English. He is the translator of Mother Forest: The Unfinished Story of C.K. Janu (2004).

Bipan Chandra
Bipan Chandra (27 May 1928 - 30 August 2014) was one of the foremost historians of modern India specializing in political and economic history. He taught for many years at Jawaharlal Nehru Universi

K.A. Manikumar
K.A. Manikumar retired as Professor of History, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli. He is the author of Vellore Revolt, 1806 (Allied Publishers & VIT University, 2007) and A Colonia

Mario Fenyo
Sushila Ramaswamy
Sushila Ramaswamy is Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, Jesus and Mary College, Delhi University.