Michelle Williams

Michelle Williams
is Associate Professor at the Wits University, Johannesburg, South Africa and is the Chairperson of the Global Labour University (GLU) Programme, also at Wits. Her publications include The Roots of Participatory Democracy: Democratic Communists in South Africa and Kerala (2008), and the edited volumes The End of the Developmental State? (2014), Marxisms in the 21st Century (2013), South Africa and India: Shaping the Global South (2011), and Labour in the Global South (2012).
- Building AlternativesINR 396
The Uralungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society (ULCCS) in northern Kerala is a remarkable institution, founded as part of the early 20th century anti-caste movement. The Cooperative's raison d'Ã...
- Building AlternativesINR 495
The Uralungal Labour Contract Cooperative Society (ULCCS) in northern Kerala is a remarkable institution, founded as part of the early 20th century anti-caste movement. The Cooperative's raison d'Ã...

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