Meghan Daum

Meghan Daum
Meghan Daum is a columnist for the Los Angeles Times and the author of the essay collection My Misspent Youth. She is also the author of Life Would Be Perfect If I Lived in That House and The Quality of Life Report, a novel. Her essays and reviews have appeared in The New Yorker, Harper's, The New York Times Book Review, Vogue, and other publications. She has also contributed to NPR's Morning Edition, Marketplace, and This American Life. She lives in Los Angeles, California.

Louis Dumont
Nicos Trimikliniotis
Nicos Trimikliniotis is a Cypriot sociologist and lawyer, associated with the University of Nicosia, Cyprus, and co-leads a programme on Reconciliation on the island of Cyprus.

Jagtar Singh
Jagtar Singh, journalist and author, is one of the foremost authorities on Punjab, its politics and society, and particularly the politics of the Shiromani Akali Dal and Shiromani Gurudwara Praband

Salim Yusufji
Salim Yusufji is an editor with Navayana.

Paul D'Amato
Paul D'Amato is the managing editor of the International Socialist Review. His writing has appeared in CounterPunch and Socialist Worker. He is an activist based in Chicago, Illinois, United States