Meera Nanda

Meera Nanda
Meera Nanda is an independent scholar based in the United States. She has been a John Templeton Foundation Fellow in Religion and Science (2005-2007), and is currently in India as Visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali. Her essays in various academic and popular journals have been widely read and discussed. She is the author of Prophets Facing Backward: Postmodernism, Science and Hindu Nationalism; Postmodernism and Religious Fundamentalism: A Scientific Rebuttal to Hindu Science; The God Market.
- Breaking the Spell of Dharma and other essaysINR 450
In four celebrated and controversial essays Meera Nanda connects religious fundamentalism with fascism and talks about the responsibility of intellectuals. She examines the link between Hindutva an...
- Science in SaffronINR 475
There is much talk of the glories of ancient Hindu sciences in India today. Landmark discoveries in every field of science, from mathematics to medicine, are being cr...

Sascha Ebeling
Sascha Ebeling is an Assistant Professor of Tamil at the University of Chicago.

Peter Custers
Peter Custers (1949-2015) was a Dutch journalist and researcher who worked extensively on South Asia, particularly Bangladesh.

Giovanni Arrighi
Giovanni Arrighi (1937-2009) was an Italian economist and sociologist. Some of his seminal works include The Long Twentieth Century: Money, Power and the Origins of Our Times (1994), Chaos and

Tapan Kumar Ghosh
Tapan Kumar Ghosh is an Associate Professor of English at Tarakeswar Degree College, Hooghly (West Bengal).

Madhura Swaminathan
Madhura Swaminathan is professor and head of the Economic Analysis Unit at the Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore.

V. Ramaswamy
V. Ramaswamy took up literary translation of subaltern writing after almost two decades of social and grassroot activism in his city, Kolkata, for and with the labouring poor. He has translated The Go
Hamid Dabashi
Hamid Dabashi is the author of Post-Orientalism: Knowledge and Power in Time of Terror.