Marc Bloch

Marc Bloch
Marc Bloch was a mediaeval historian, University Professor and French Army officer. Bloch was a founder of the Annales School, best known for his pioneering study French Rural History and his posthumously-published unfinished meditation on the writing of history, The Historian's Craft. He was captured and shot by the Gestapo during the German occupation of France for his work in the French Resistance.
- Land and Work in Mediaeval EuropeINR 395
This book is a collection of selected papers of Marc Bloch. Topics covered in the collection are Mediaeval Germany, Empire under the Hohenstaufen, technical problems of the mediaeval economy, socie...

Sulekha Sanyal
Sulekha Sanyal was born in 1928 in an impoverished family that had once been indigo planters. She became a communist while a student. At thirty-five she died of leukemia, leaving a number of short

Srilatha Batliwala
Srilatha Batliwala, feminist activist and researcher, was Civil Society Research Fellow at the Hauser Center for Nonprofit Organizations, Harvard University. She worked for 25 years in India in a rang
Yael Ardiles
Yael Ardiles is a member of the José Carlos Mariátegui School, which has an orientation towards the political education of people's movements. The school is located in Argentina.

John Holt
Ki. Rajanarayanan
Ki. Rajanarayanan (b. 1922), popularly known as Ki. Ra., is a powerful writer and teller of tales rooted in the soil of Tamil Nadu, and has been a recipient of the prestigious Kalaimamani and Sahitya
Ike Okonta
Priya Dali
Priya Dali is an independent illustrator and graphic designer from Mumbai. Through her art, she engages in conversations about gender, sex, and sexuality. She enjoys using a mix of humour and personal
Benita Parry
Benita Parry is the author of Delusions and Discoveries: Studies on India in the British Imagination (1972) and Conrad and Imperialism (1983).