Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Jomo Kwame Sundaram
Jomo Kwame Sundaram is Assistant Director General and Coordinator for Economic and Social Development at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.
Imran Ahmed Siddiqui
Imran Ahmed Siddiqui is a writer and journalist based in Kolkata who works with The Telegraph.
Kesavan Veluthat
Kesavan Veluthat is Professor of History at the University of Delhi. His more important publications include The Political Structure of Early Medieval South India (1993), The Early Medieval in South IOlÍvia Carolino Pires
OlÍvia Carolino Pires works for the federal government in Brazil. She co-ordinates the Brazil Popular Project and the National Directorate of the Popular Brazil Movement. Olivia teaches at the Flo
Paddy Whannel
Paddy Whannel (1922–1980) was founder and head of the Education Department at the British Film Institute, Associate Professor of Film at Northwestern University, an an influential figure in the deveSubir Ghosh
Subir Ghosh (born 7 September 1966) is a journalist and author who writes on environmental and human rights issues.
Ivan Illich
van Illich was born in Vienna in 1926. He studied theology and philosophy at the Gregorian University in Rome and obtained a PhD in history at the University of Salzburg. He came to the United StatesChris Hedges
N/AJudith Squires
Judith Squires is joint editor of Cultural Remix: Theories of Politics and the Popular (L&W 1993), and was, until 1997, editor of New Formations. She lectures in the politics department at the