Kunjulekshmi Saradamoni
Kunjulekshmi Saradamoni
The idea to work on a topic of Socio - economic importance pertaining to Kerala was suggested to me by Monsieur Louis Dumont , professor at the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes and then executive director of the Centre d'etudes Indiennes, Paris , to which I was attached during October 1969 to June 1971 . It was while going through the files of the India Office Library,London , in this connection that I came across an old and not much used file titled, " Abolition of Slavery in Kerala " . It posed a series of question to me , which went far beyond the abolition of slavery.
- In Search of AnswersINR 995
“I believe that we should have a sense of history. In a sense, an autobiography is history. It has in it traces of geography as well. Each new place, the sights the...
Hilary Wainwright
Hilary Wainwright is an editor of Red Pepper magazine and is a research director of the New Politics Project of the Transnational Institute.Hannan Mollah
Hannan Mollah is the General Secretary of the All India Kisan Sabha. He is a former Member of Parliament, having been elected eight times to the Uluberia constituency in Howrah district of West Ben
R.M. Pal
R.M. Pal was born in Kamilla district of undivided Bengal. He taught English at Rajdhani College in Delhi. He was closely associated with the Radical Humanist Movement and was personally close to M
Filipa Lowndes Vicente
Filipa Lowndes Vicente is a researcher at the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), Portugal.
Ravindra Kalia
हिंदी साहित्य में रवींद्र कालिया की ख्याति उपन्यासकार, कहानीकार और संस्मर
Prabhat Tripathi
जन्म : चौदह सितंबर 1941, रायगढ़ (म.प्र.) में शिक्षा : एम. ए. (हिंदी) सागर वि. वि. पी-एच.
Jonathan Bignell
Jonathan Bignell (born 20 March 1963) is a Professor of Television and Film at the University of Reading, United Kingdom. He is the author of Media Semiotics: An Introduction (1997).