K. Satchidanandan
K. Satchidanandan
- The Whispering TreeINR 450Lovers can define love. What happens when a poet turns lover? He interprets it as a fever that “subsides after a week of nightmares.” The poet describes fondness, if it fits as a perfect synonym o...
- PositionsINR 795
Positions features a careful selection from K. Satchidanandan’s essays on Indian literature, written over the past 25 years. The general theme of the book is Indian literature(s). The book contai...
- Not Only The OceansINR 250Not Only The Oceans carries twenty-five poems, including a long sequence composed by K. Satchidanandan during 2015-2017. The first six poems were written in Shimla where he spent a year as an invited ...
Etienne van Heerden
Etienne van Heerden's debut youth novel, Matoli, was published in 1978. During the 1980s he was a member of a group of Afrikaans writers secretly meeting exiled ANC members at the now-famous Victor
Someswar Bhowmik
N/ARadhika Coomaraswamy
Radhika Coomaraswamy was formerly Chairperson of the Human Rights Commission, Sri Lanka, and Director, International Centre for Ethnic Studies, Colombo. She was formerly the United Nations Special
Staughton Lynd
Staughton Lynd taught American history at Spelman College and Yale University. He was director of Freedom Schools in the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer. An early leader of the movement against the