K. Damodaran
K. Damodaran
- Indian ThoughtINR 350
A systematic study of Indian philosophy and culture began only as late as the last years of the eighteen century. The establishment of the Asiatic Society of Bengal i...
Helen Scott
Helen Scott is Assistant Professor of English at the University of Vermont where she teaches postcolonial literature and theory. She has published articles in numerous journals including Callaloo, IntAndrej Grubacic
Andrej Grubacic is a dissident from the Balkans. A radical historian and sociologist, he is the author of Globalization and Refusal and the forthcoming Hidden History of American Democracy and The
Radha Chakravarty
Radha Chakravarty teaches literature at Gargi College, University of Delhi. She is the author of Feminism and Contemporary Women Writers: Rethinking Subjectivity. Her books in translation include B
V.I. Pavlov
Vladimir Ivanovich Pavlov was professor of Economics in Moscow State University, Moscow.Paris Yeros
Paris Yeros is professor of international economics at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), São Paulo, Brazil, and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in World Political Economy. He has been
Rius and Friends
N/AJohn S. Saul
A professor emeritus of political science at York University, Toronto, John Saul has had a long and distinguished career as writer, teacher and activist in both Canada and southern Africa. As part