Juliet Reynolds
Juliet Reynolds
- Roads Across The EarthINR 675
There are few, if any, publication on Indian artists that reveal as much about the socio-cultural history of the post-independence era as this unique bool does. ...
Thanh-Dam Truong
Thanh-Dam Truong, Associate Professor in Women, Gender and Development Studies at the Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, is one of the first scholars to have provided an academic analysis of t
R.H. Tawney
Richard Henry Tawney (1880-1962), born in Calcutta, was educated at Rugby School and Balliol College, Oxford, of which he was elected a fellow in 1918. During World War I, he was severely wounded d
H.G. Creel
N/AV.M. Mohanraj
V.M. MOHANRAJ (born 1928) is one of the most respected librarians in India, having worked at Madras University, Law College (Chennai), and The Lawrence School (Lovedale). He has six books and many
Bhaskar Sur
Bhaskar Sur has been in the thick of popular science and rights movements since his student days. He has contributed both in English and Bengali to various journals on the social role of science, t
Renuka George
N/AKanwal Dhaliwal
Kanwal Dhaliwal is a painter, sculptor, author, and translator. He did his B.F.A. in Painting (1984) from Government College of Arts, Chandigarh, and an M.A. in Art in Architecture (2002) from the