Julian Markels
Julian Markels
Julian Markels (born 24 June 1925) is professor emeritus of English at Ohio State University, USA.
- The Marxian ImaginationINR 250
Where earlier theorists have treated class as a fixed identity site, Markels sees class in more dynamic terms, as a process of accumulation involving many, often conflicting, sites of identity. Rat...
Suresh Chandra Ghose
Suresh Chandra Ghosh is a former member of the Editorial Advisory Board of Paedagogica Historica, Belgium. He held the Chair of History of Education at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, till
N R Farooqi
Professor N R Farooqi is MA History from University of Allahabad; Doctorate from Wisconsin University; started as lecturer in University of Allahabad; Also served as Professor of History at the Lal
Kate Darnton
Kate Darnton is a writer and editor from Boston, Massachusetts, United States.
Martin Chalmers
Martin Chalmers (1948–2014) was a translator and editor living in Berlin, who translated works by Elfriede Jelinek, Thomas Bernhard, Peter Handke, Hans Magnus Enzensberger, and Alexander Kluge, amonFrancois Dubet
Francois Dubet is a sociologist and professor at Université de Bordeaux and at EHESS.Cornel West
Cornel West (born 2 June 1953) is an American philosopher, political activist and preeminent public intellectual. He is Professor of the Practice of Public Philosophy at Harvard University and Prof
Badri Raina
Badri Raina is a well-known commentator on politics, culture and society. His columns on the Znet have a global following.
Raina taught English literature at the University of Delhi for over
Pooja Pottenkulam
Pooja Pottenkulam is an animator and illustrator and a Lecturer in Art and Design at the University of East London.