Jeremy Seabrook

Jeremy Seabrook
Jeremy Seabrook is a researcher, journalist and writer. His recent books include Pauperland: Poverty and the Poor in Britain and People Without History: India’s Muslim Ghettos (Navayana).

Pierre Bourdieu
Pierre Bourdieu (1930–2002) was a sociologist, anthropologist, philosopher, and renowned public intellectual.

and Leo Panitch
K. Balagopal
A mathematician by training, Kandala Balagopal (1952–2009) was associated with the Andhra Pradesh Civil Liberties Committee for two decades. In 1998, he became one of the founder-members of H

Nicolas Bouvier
Nicholas Bouvier (6 March 1929 - 7 February 1998) was a Swiss traveller, writer and photographer.

Cornelia Sorabji
Cornelia Sorabji (15 November 1866 - 6 July 1954) was the first female graduate from Bombay University and also the first woman to study law at Oxford University. She went on to become the first fe

Ather Zia
Ather Zia is a political anthropologist, poet, columnist, and short fiction writer. She teaches at the University of Northern Colorado Greeley, and is the author of Resisting Disappearances: Milita

Gita Ramaswamy
Gita Ramaswamy is best known for her work with Hyderabad Book Trust that has published over four hundred titles since 1980. HBT pioneered low-cost books and translations from across the world—fro

Sreedevi K. Nair
Sreedevi K. Nair teaches English at the N.S.S. College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram. Her book Malayalathinte Kathaakaarikal carries interviews with ten Malayalam women writers, and she has receive