Horace Bancroft Davis
Horace Bancroft Davis
Horace Bancroft Davis was trained as a labour economist at Harvard and Columbia, and taught social science at many different institutions of higher education in the United States. He worked as a labourer in several industries, including steel, and served several different unions at different times as editor and researcher. His books include Toward a Marxist Theory of Nationalism, published by Monthly Review Press.
- Nationalism and SocialismINR 295
Nationalism and Socialism is a study in the history of Marxian ideas; but it is also an attempt to show how the ideas are related to the society from which they sprang, and how the change...
Truman Capote
Truman Capote was born September 30, 1924, in New Orleans. After his parents' divorce, he was sent to live with relatives in Monroeville, Alabama. It was here he would meet his lifelong friend, the
Henri Lefebvre
Henry Lefebvre (1901-1991) was a French Marxist philosopher and sociologist, best known for pioneering the critique of everyday life, for introducing the concepts of the right to the city and the p
N/ANicolas Bouvier
Nicholas Bouvier (6 March 1929 - 7 February 1998) was a Swiss traveller, writer and photographer.
Nasreen Ahmed
Nasreen Ahmed (1954-2009) studied at the Aligarh Muslim University and later taught at the Karamat Husain College, Lucknow.
Manoj Mitta
Manoj Mitta is a Delhi-based journalist focusing on law, human rights and social justice. A law graduate from Hyderabad, he has worked with the Times of India, the Indian Express and India Today. M
Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez (1954-2013) was President of Venezuela and leader of the Bolivarian Revolution. He nationalized key industries, used oil revenues for social programs for the poor, and passed important