G.K. Chesterton
G.K. Chesterton
Kavita Krishnan
Kavita Krishnan is a communist feminist activist. She is politburo member of the CPI(ML) Liberation, and secretary of the All India Progressive Women's Association (AIPWA).
Martin Reynolds
Martin Reynolds, a Lecturer in Systems at The Open University and Chair for Environmental ethics. He has researched and published widely, including his book: Operational Research and Environmental ManRon Sieh
N/AAlfredo Saad-Filho
Alfredo has degrees in Economics from the Universities of Brasilia (Brazil) and London (SOAS). He has worked in universities and research institutions based in Brazil, Canada, Japan, Mozambique, Sw
Ziya Us Salam
Ziya Us Salam is a noted literary and social commentator. He has been associated with The Hindu for more than 18 years. He has been The Hindu’s Features Editor for North India editions for 16 ye
Fred Magdoff
Fred Magdoff is Emeritus Professor of Plant and Soil Science at the University of Vermont, Burlington. He has authored several books on subjects ranging from soil science to economics.
Ranjana Dasgupta
Ranjana Dasgupta is a research assistant at the Centre for Studies in Social Sciences Calcutta (CSSSC).