Fabián Escalante
Fabián Escalante
Harold R. Isaacs
Harold R. Isaacs was a writer and long-time student of Chinese affairs. The Tragedy, his first book, was based largely on long-hidden original historical documents and has been recognized for many
Suhita Sinha Roy
The late Suhita Sinha Roy taught ancient history; history of China, Japan, and the Far East; and history of international relations during the first half of the twentieth century in different institutRodney Hilton
Rodney Hilton (17 November 1916 - 7 June 2002) was a well-known British Marxist historian.
John Burbidge
N/ASaleem Kidwai
Saleem Kidwai is a medieval historian, scholar and translator. He has co-edited Same-sex Love in India: Readings from Literature and History, a pioneering work documenting and exploring the indigen
Indira Goswami
Indira Goswami (14 November 1942 - 29 November 2011) also known by her pen name Mamoni Raisom Goswami and popularly as Mamoni Baideo, was an Assamese poet, professor and writer.
Qunitin Hoare
Quintin Hoare is a British leftist intellectual and literary translator. He served on the editorial board of the New Left Review for many years before he and his wife, the Croatian historian Branka