Emir Sader

Emir Sader
Emir Sader is Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the University of São Paolo and Director of the Latin American Social Science Research Council (CLACSO). He is the author of numerous works including (with Ken Silverstein) Without Fear of Being Happy: Lula, the Workers Party and Brazil.
- The New MoleINR 250
The balance sheet of the Left in the turbulent Latin American continent.
The New Mole is a major new analysis of recent developments in Latin American politics by one of the contin...

James Membrez
Ira Bhaskar
Maryse Condé
Maryse Condé was born in Guadeloupe, a French territory of the Caribbean. She has taught extensively in Africa and the United States and is now a professor emerita at Columbia University, where she c
R. Umamaheshwari
R. Umamaheshwari is currently Fellow at the Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla. She has been, for the most part of her career, an independent journalist-academic. She has a Ph.D. in History

Mary McAuliffe
Mary McAuliffe is Assistant Professor in Gender Studies at University College Dublin.
Rustam Singh
Rustam Singh (b. 1955) is a philosopher and translator. He has in the past been associated with various institutions such as Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Indian Institute of Advanc

Sanatan Bhowal
Sanatan Bhowal is Associate Professor, Prasanna Deb Women’s College, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal.