Wiebke Keim is a German sociologist at CRNS in Strasbourg, France, and coordinates, through the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Germany, a major research programme on circulating knowledge b
Kristoffel Lieten is a professor at the University of Amsterdam, where he teaches development sociology, and where he holds the chair of Child Labour Studies on behalf of the International Institut
Prof. Gregory Ruiters is Professor of Public Policy, School of Government, University of Western Cape. Co-Director Municipal Services Project. Previous Position: Director of Institute for Soci
Vasanth Kannabiran is a feminist writer, a pioneer of the Indian women’s movement, a founding member of the Asmita Resource Centre for Women and member of the collective, Stree Shakti Sanghatana
Sapan Saran is a poet, writer, and theatre director based in Mumbai. She is the co-founder of Tamaasha Theatre, one of Mumbai's leading theatre companies.