Devi Prasad
Devi Prasad
Nicolas Mahler
Nicolas Mahler is a prolific writer and cartoonist. He has also reimagined Thomas Bernhard's controversial play The World Betterer as a graphic novel, which will be published in an English translationKrishna Sen
Krishna Sen is a former Professor and Head of English at the University of Calcutta, and was the Leverhulme Visiting Professor of English at the University of Leeds.
Chatura Rao
Chatura Rao is an author and freelance journalist. Her previous books include Amie: the Shawl of Colour and Meanwhile, Upriver.
Jawaharlal Nehru
N/AJeremy Seabrook
Jeremy Seabrook is a researcher, journalist and writer. His recent books include Pauperland: Poverty and the Poor in Britain and People Without History: India’s Muslim Ghettos (Navayana).
D.N. Jha
Dwijendra Narayan Jha (1940-2021), popularly known as D.N. Jha, was educated at the Presidency College, Calcutta, and Patna University where he taught history for more than a decade. He was profess
Sunanda Khorgade
Sunanda Khorgade works with the women's health programme at SEARCH and trains traditional birth attendants.
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta
Paranjoy Guha Thakurta (born 5 October 1955) is a well-known Indian journalist and political commentator. He has been associated with many newspapers and magazines including Business India, Busines