Kamal Dev Pall was born on August 9, 1957 in Hoshiarpur, Punjab. Today, he resides in the United State of America. He earned his MA degree in Punjab from Punjab University. He has published two boo
Manoj Mitta is a Delhi-based journalist focusing on law, human rights and social justice. A law graduate from Hyderabad, he has worked with the Times of India, the Indian Express and India Today. M
Sukomal Sen (14 June 1934 – 22 November 2017) was the author of Working Class of India, the history of its emergence and rise, and also the famous work, International Working Class Movement, an
Abhishek Majumdar is a playwright, director and essayist. Apart from theatre, he has worked in cinema and opera. He is the Artistic Director of Nalanda Arts Studio, Bengaluru, and heads the theatre