Avinash Kumar

Avinash Kumar
- Labouring WomenINR 775
It is well known that notions of work and employment in official data systems undermine women’s work. Difficulties abound with respect to the recognition and measurement of women’s ‘invisible...

Sumi Krishna
Sumi Krishna is a distinguished independent scholar and former President of the Indian Association for Women’s Studies. She has over 40 years of experience in environment, development and gender, en
Ita Mehrotra
Ita Mehrotra is a comics maker and researcher based out of New Delhi. Her non-fiction comics have previously been published by Zubaan Books, theWire.in, Yoda Press, AdAstra Comics, popula.com, Goet

Priya Dali
Priya Dali is an independent illustrator and graphic designer from Mumbai. Through her art, she engages in conversations about gender, sex, and sexuality. She enjoys using a mix of humour and personal
Tejaswini Niranjana
Tejaswini Niranjana is currently Professor and Head, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, and Visiting Professor with the School of Arts and Sciences, Ahmedabad University

Suman Oak
Suman Oak was a Professor of Education in SNDT Women's University, Mumbai. Post her move to Pune, she worked very closely with Dr Narendra Dabholkar and ANiS.

Derek Boothman
Derek Boothman is an Adjunct Professor, School of Foreign Languages and Literature, Translation and Interpreting, University of Bologna.