

Jasbir Jain
Jasbir Jain (born 1937) is a writer and Honorary Director of the Institute for Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, Jaipur. She is the recepient of many awards and fellowships and has authored se

Paris Yeros
Paris Yeros is professor of international economics at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC), São Paulo, Brazil, and coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in World Political Economy. He has been

Michael Perelman
Michael Perelman (born 1 October 1939) is an American economist and historian who teaches at California State University, Chico.

Andre Gunder Frank
Andre Gunder Frank (1929-2005) was a German-American economist and historian. He held many teaching appointments in various universities across the world and authored over 40 books in his lifetime.

Ravi Nair
Ravi Nair was born in Kerala in November 1973. He completed a post-graduate degree in economics from the University of Calicut in 1995. Thereafter, he worked in the corporate sector till 2014 befor

Usha Jha
Kamala Das
Kamala Das is one of India's leading poets writing in the English language.