Alladi Uma and M Sridhar
Alladi Uma and M Sridhar
Alladi Uma and M Sridhar teach English at the University of Hyderabad and have been doing collaborative work in translation. Their translations as well as articles on the subject have appeared in many journals. They won the Jyeshtha Literary Award and Katha Commendation Prize for their translations. They are known for their sensitive translations and are now involved with the Alladi Memorial Trust that works with the education, health, and legal needs of the underprivileged.
- How Are You Veg?INR 500
Translated for the first time into English, Joopaka Subhadra's stories expose the lives of Madiga women, the most oppressed among Dalits in Telangana. As she declares...
Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery
Patricia Jeffery and Roger Jeffery are both Professors in Sociology at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK. Their recent books include Don't Marry Me to a Plowman: Women's Everyday Lives in R
Sangin Beg
N/AMonica James
N/ASarah Pinto
Sarah Pinto is Professor of Anthropology at Tufts University, and author of Where There is no Midwife: Birth and Loss in Rural India (2008), and Daughters of Parvati: Women and Madness in Contempor
Atig Ghosh
Atig Ghosh teaches history at Visva Bharati, Santiniketan, and is a member of the Calcutta Research Group. He has edited Branding the Migrant: Arguments of Rights, Welfare and Security and coedited TC.L.R. James
C.L.R. James was a leading figure in the independence movement in the West Indies, and the Black and working-class movements in both Britain and the United States.David Laibman
David Laibman is Professor of Economics (Emeritus) at Brooklyn College and The Graduate School of the City University of New York. He has been the editor of Science & Society since 1990. He i