Global Flashpoints

Reactions to Imperialism and Neoliberalism

Leo Panitch, Colin Leys


LeftWord Books, 2008

xiv+362 pages

Price INR 250.00
Book Club Price INR 175.00
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Colin Leys

Colin Leys (born 4 August 1931) is an emeritus professor of Political Studies at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada and co-editor of Socialist Register along with Leo Panitch.

Leo Panitch

Leo Victor Panitch, (born May 3, 1945, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada) is a Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science and Canada Research Chair in Comparative Political Economy at York University. Since 1985, he has served as co-editor of the Socialist Register, which describes itself as "an annual survey of movements and ideas from the standpoint of the independent new left". Panitch himself sees the Register as playing a major role in developing Marxism's conceptual framework for advancing a democratic, co-operative and egalitarian, socialist alternative to capitalist competition, exploitation and insecurity.