Sanjib Baruah
Sanjib Baruah
- In the Name of the NationINR 599
Sanjib Baruah is Professor of Political Studies at Bard College, New York. His previous books include India Against Itself (1999) and Durable Disorde...
Lucinda Ramberg
Lucinda Ramberg is Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Cornell University. She is the author of the monograph, Given to the Goddess: South Indian Deva
Jeremy Seabrook
Jeremy Seabrook is a researcher, journalist and writer. His recent books include Pauperland: Poverty and the Poor in Britain and People Without History: India’s Muslim Ghettos (Navayana).
Githa Hariharan
Githa Hariharan's work includes novels, short stories, essays, newspaper articles and columns. Her first novel – The Thousand Faces of Night – won the Commonwealth Writers' Prize i
Freedom Mazwi
Freedom Mazwi is Resarcher at the Sam Moyo African Institute for Agraian Studies, Harare, Zimbabwe.
K. Srilata
K. Srilata is a Chennai-based poet, writer and translator.
Goutam Vahed
Goolam Vahed is Associate Professor of History at the University of KwaZulu Natal. He writes on histories of migration, ethnicity, religion, and identity formation among Indian South Africans.