Saadat Hasan Manto

Saadat Hasan Manto
Saadat Hasan Manto (1912-1955) was among the greatest short story writers of the Indian subcontinent. He also wrote plays, and worked in the Bombay film industry as a writer before migrating to Pakistan after the Partition.
- मंटो दस्तावेज़: खंड 1-5INR 3,000
समय के साथ कितनी ही हक़ीक़तें फ़रेब बन जाती हैं और कितने ही ख़्व...
- The Armchair Revolutionary and Other SketchesINR 325
Manto wrote these words in the preface to Ganje Farishte, a collection of his sketches. They give us a sense of what to expect from him: the 'unvarnished' truth as seen through his unforgi...

Mandakini Dubey
Mandakini Dubey is an Assistant Professor of English and Instructor at the Centre for Writing and Communication at Ashoka University.

Michael A. Lebowitz
Michael A. Lebowitz is Professor Emeritus of Economics at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada, and the author of The Contradictions of 'Real Socialism', The Socialist Alternative, Beyond C

Sharada Srinivasan
Sharada Srinivasan is Assistant Professor in International Development at York University, Toronto. Her research is focussed on gender-based discrimination and violence including young people's exp

Sayantan Dasgupta
Sayantan Dasgupta is Associate Professor Professor of Department of Comparative Literature, Jadavpur

Sumathi Ramaswamy
Sumathi Ramaswamy is Professor of History and International Comparative Studies, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina.

Geetanjali Singh Chanda
Geetanjali Singh Chanda is a senior lecturer in the Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Yale University.

Joti Sekhon
Joti Sekhon is Professor of Sociology at Greensboro College, North Carolina, USA, where she is also the coordinator of the International Studies Programme. She is the author of Modern India.