Ita Mehrotra

Ita Mehrotra
Ita Mehrotra is a comics maker and researcher based out of New Delhi. Her non-fiction comics have previously been published by Zubaan Books,, Yoda Press, AdAstra Comics,, Goethe Institute and Khirkee Voice, among others. She leads creative education programmes with grassroots organisations and community schools in Delhi and Bihar.
- Shaheen BaghINR 499
Shaheen Bagh: A Graphic Recollection is a graphic account of the extraordinary political sit-in led by Muslim women which started on one side of a public thoroughfare in Delhi in December ...

Mao Tse-tung
Richard Gott
Richard Gott is a former Latin America correspondent and features editor for the Guardian. A specialist in Latin American affairs, his books include Cuba: A New History, Guerrilla Movements in Lat
Alexander Kluge
Alexander Kluge (b. 1932) is one of the major German fiction writers of the late twentieth century and an important social critic. As a filmmaker, he is credited with the launch of the New German Cine
Rimli Bhattacharya
Rimli Bhattacharya trained in Comparative Literature at Jadavpur and Brown Universities. She has published on gender and performance, primary education, children’s literature and expressive forms

L. Beria