Chris Caruso

Chris Caruso
Chris Caruso teaches at the City College of New York. He is a popular educator, community organiser, and educational technologist. He produced David Harvey’s online Capital courses and co-edited David Harvey’s Anti-Capitalist Chronicles (2020).
- Reading Capital to Smash CapitalismINR 250
In Capital, Marx provides a theory of the enduring contradictions of capitalism. Marx’s identification of the structure of capitalism, and the method by which he uncovered that structure, provide...

Yashodhara Deshpande Maitra
Yashodhara Deshpande Maitra taught natural sciences at the National Technical Institute for the Deaf. She is an experienced translator from Marathi into English. She has worked closely with the Bed

Nathan Glazer
L.E. Modesitt, Jr.
L.E. Modesitt, Jr. (born 19 October 1943) is an American science fiction and fantasy author with over 70 novels to his name.

Ivan Illich
van Illich was born in Vienna in 1926. He studied theology and philosophy at the Gregorian University in Rome and obtained a PhD in history at the University of Salzburg. He came to the United States
Timothy D. Amos
Timothy Amos is Assistant Professor in the Department of Japanese Studies at the National University of Singapore.